Looking for Ways to Make Money Online
One of the things that I have realized is that most of my current strategy is dependent on the search engines to make money. I make money on my sites when I get visitors from the search engines. But, what if something happens and this strategy stops working. I don't know but I think that that could be catastrophic. I need the search engines and if people ever stopped using them or if my sites stopped showing up real high then I would lose a lot of money.
So, the question becomes, how do you make money online, without using the search engines? I do not know the answer to this exactly, but I would like to explore it in more detail. Because, the fact of the matter, is that I do not like being dependent on a third party for my income.
What other platforms can you use that don't require search traffic to make money? I guess there are social networks, but I have never made any money using social networks such as digg.com and facebook. I mean does anyone ever purchase anything through a facebook ad? I would guess not because I see different facebook ads everytime I log into facebook, however I see the same ads all the time on a major media site such as espn.com which makes me think that it is pretty hard to make money on the social networks. It seems like advertisers must be losing money so they stop advertising. Plus, I am a user of FB and I have never, not once, clicked on the ads that show up when I log into my account.
So, I do not think that social networks will make me a lot of money. So, the question becomes, how do you make a lot of money without using search engines. You could write articles for a site like ehow or infobarrel but even those sites are dependent on the search engines to make money.
I think that maybe ebay is a site where you can make money without being dependent on the search engines, but that seems harder than ever. It is very saturated. I wonder where the new sites that you can make money on are hiding. There have to be many, many sites that you can use to make money but right now, I am just looking for them, to be sure.
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