Bad Ideas to Make Money Online

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There are lots of ideas about how to make money online. I often talk about all of the good ways to make money such as Google adsense and affiliate programs. I would like to talk today about some of the bad ways to make money online. These are programs that will probably not make you a lot of money by doing them and could hurt your online business if you do them.

Selling Links

The first bad way to make money online is to sell links from your website. You may think that it is your site and you can sell links if you want to. The problem is that Google does not want people to sell links and it can strip your site of its page rank and even kick you out of the index if they discover that you are selling links. So don't sell links to make money online. It is a bad idea.

Sponsored Reviews

This is just like selling links. A company or website will pay you to write a review of their product or website. But they are not really buying a review, instead they are doing it to buy a link to increase their search engine rankings. This is dangerous because it is just like selling links and Google can take action against you if they catch you doing it.

Cash Gifting

This is the stupidest way to make money online that there is. Basically the way it works is that you send cash to other people in the mail. And I mean a lot of cash like $1000 and then other people will sign up and they will mail you $1000 dollars each. If this makes sense to you then you have never heard about an illegal Ponzi scheme. This is a bad way to make money online and you will lose a lot of money if you do it.

Those are some of the worst ways that people try to make money online. If you want to make money online you should get a real business and then you will be in much better position to really profit.

2 Responses on "Bad Ideas to Make Money Online"

  1. yousuf says:

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